As millions of people can testify, there’s never been a more important time to look seriously at food allergies and ways of alleviating the suffering of those affected by them. On there’s a wealth of information about just how much food allergies have spread in recent years – and it makes for grim reading.
Thankfully, French firm DBV Technologies is at the forefront of efforts to enable allergy-sufferers to lead normal lives once again. Why not check out this section to see the range of Viaskin products being developed by the company? Its flagship idea, the Viaskin patch, is already at the testing stage and offers a simple way of introducing antigens into the body whilst minimizing the risk of anaphylaxis. Using a patch instead of injections avoids the introduction of allergens directly into the bloodstream. This method relies on the presence of tolerogenic cells, the Langerhans cells, just beneath the surface layer of the skin.
The patch is being developed in several variants, including peanut, house dust mite and cow’s milk. This is a particularly common type of pediatric allergy which affects up to 3% of children in some countries.